Agapanthus: a tale of micro-aggression by Rachel S. Reed

Agapanthus took pride in her reputation as a hearty nuisance. Not easily uprooted, she lay dormant for as many months as it took to give the unappreciative humans hope that she wouldn’t return this year. Then UP! she’d volley her initial shot of verdant stem, reminding them, perennially, who triumphed. Blooming victory sans flamboyance, Agapanthus … Continue reading Agapanthus: a tale of micro-aggression by Rachel S. Reed

Ordinary Diversions by Rachel S. Reed

Plodding down well-hewn gashes of the south Arroyo, we escape grand houses that question our presence. Laughter splashes up from the regimented pool of extracurricular children. We joke that, not long enough ago, we would’ve found an idealized underbrushed overlook to share the revelations found in a cloud of skunk. Reigniting that haze promises madness. … Continue reading Ordinary Diversions by Rachel S. Reed