Orders by Mike McNeff

Dusk creeps in as I set up the .50 caliber Barrett rifle, trying to catch my breath after the climb to the sniper hide.

“You’re getting out of shape,” my spotter Dave chides.

I don’t reply. My thoughts focus on the mission—a mission I don’t like.

Dave sighs. “You sure pissed off the ol’ man.”

“I don’t care. Ordering us to kill a guy without explaining why doesn’t set well with me.”

“Orders are orders. You going to pull the trigger?”

“I don’t know yet.”

I feel cold steel against my temple.

“Orders are orders.”

© Copyright 2016 Mike McNeff. All rights reserved.
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Mike McNeff is a retired cop and lawyer who has had two action novels published by Amazon Encore and a western published bv Booktrope. He is a member of Whidbey Writers Group on Whidbey Island.