The Key to Success by Pat Becker

Photo of a vintage metal rollerskate

She found a skate key.

It wasn’t hers. She was too young to skate. But she managed to get her sister’s key.

She grappled with it in her tiny hands, trying to do what you did with a skate key. She jammed it into the bottom of a skate with her clumsy hands. In a whoosh! it was gone. More skillful hands came and took it. Her first memory!

She didn’t witness the invention of fire, but, by god, she got her grubby hands on her sister’s skate key. Later, she would get her grubby hands on many other things.

© Copyright 2019 Pat Becker. All rights reserved.

Pat Becker is a former journalist, freelance writer and publicist. She currently spends her time writing scripts and producing films.